Curriculum Subject Overview
Daily Living Skills & Work Related Learning
At Walton Leigh, Work Related Learning (WRL) and Citizenship are part of KS3 Theme Curriculum, covering 1 term in each year.
14-19 department uses a combined curriculum for Daily Living Skills (DLS) and Work Related Learning drawn from the EQUALS Moving On Curriculum. This vocational subject is taught discretely and it is a core subject for all students in the 14-19 department. The Curriculum is divided in 3 units (one per term) covering a wide context for our students to learn. The emphasis is on planning activities, which provide opportunities to support students’ individual learning needs/targets, whilst being delivered within a creative, engaging and stimulating framework. This subject provides long term independence learning skills, preparation for adulthood and is taught alongside practical work experience and variety of community learning as appropriate.
- To focus on each students personal ILP targets within a framework of creative, engaging and stimulating activities and enrich their experience in this subject area
- To develop independent skills and skills for life
- To prepare students to move from KS4 to KS5 and to Post 19 placements
- To develop a sense of belonging, curiosity and a love of learning
- To promote engagement and fun and 'make every day count’
- To promote an awareness of social skills, emotional regulation, wellbeing and positive mental health
- All learning is implemented through a holistic approach with parents, families, and other professionals
- Walton Leigh 14-19 department Scheme of Work are adapted from EQUALS Moving On curriculum and tailored for the individualised needs of the children to ensure all can access engaging activities, rise to the challenge and celebrate their achievements
- Students ILP targets are embedded throughout each lesson and across all aspects of their school day, so the main learning within the lesson may not necessarily relate to the subject targets, but more to the ILP targets e.g. learning to attend, making choices, developing motor skills etc.
- Students’ progress in each subject area is monitored and recorded and used to inform next steps in their learning. Parents are informed of progress through parents evening and annual reports.
- The content and quality of lessons, delivery and impact on the individual students is closely monitored by the class teacher, subject coordinator and through learning walks/lesson observations
- Some students, particularly those on the Semi-Formal Pathway, will be able to learn and recall specific subject knowledge
- DLS and WRL learning is enhanced by appropriate educational visits, work experiences, mini enterprise projects and college links
Subject Specific Knowledge.
- To build awareness of our environment and ecology, e.g. recycling
- To build personal skills such as responsibility and care
- To develop independence and work skills, including safety when using gardening tools
- To learn how to plan ahead and design during gardening project
- To use correct tools for a variety of gardening jobs
Food preparation
- To experience making a variety of food and express preferences
- To learn about healthy choices and different food groups
- To build skills for life such as planning for cooking, shopping or serving others
- To cook for different occasions, e.g. staff lunches, picnics, main meals, snacks
- To use a variety of kitchen equipment correctly
- To learn about health and safety during food preparation
Household management
- To gain independent skills linked to everyday household chores
- To learn about responsibility and caring for our environment
- To use a variety of household tools and equipment correctly and safely
- To learn about laundry maintenance and appearance
- To build independence and social skills such as helping others
- To develop organisational skills during household tasks
Jobs and the workplace
- To learn about different jobs, equipment and clothing needed and activities undertaken.
- To learn about jobs in the community and what people do in those jobs and how they affect us, including production line, people that help us etc.
- To build awareness of work place, work rules, skills and the process of finding a job, e.g. filling in an application form, understanding time management
Self-advocacy, self-expression and expressing choices
- To gain skills to express agreement, disagreement and own opinions
- To build awareness of appearance and communication rules at work and when looking for a job
Work experience and mini enterprise
- To be able to adopt a positive mind-set, be creative, overcome obstacles and shape their attitude towards work and future
- To take part in practical work experience in and out of school. To understand what activities need to be done and in what order
Health and safety in the workplace
- To learn about safety equipment, why and how it is used
- To understand what could be a potential hazard and how to fix it
- To build awareness of basic first aid
Community learning
- To learn about the wider world
- To use communication and mathematical skills in real life situation
- To develop life skills related to shopping and other educational visits
- To experience and adapt to different environments
- To build social skills in variety of situations and environments
- To experience college environment and prepare for transition to next placements
- Students have a sense of community belonging, citizenship and enjoy learning
- Students are prepared for their adult life and next steps in education, social care or supported living
- Students move on within the department and to their next placement as happy, inquisitive, independent and confident learners who can make their own choices, opinions and needs known
- Students can use the knowledge and skills they have gained with their family, friends and community
- Students become as independent as possible, emotionally resilient with an ability to regulate and self- occupy
- Students are prepared for a diverse society, can integrate well and contribute to their community or work place
- Students enjoy a purposeful, successful adult life
The Intent, Implementation and Impact of the curriculum is also subject to peer evaluation through Walton Leigh’s involvement in the SPAN Curriculum and Assessment group and the Surrey and West London Special School Network