GSO Test

GSO Test

Information for Parents

We aim to work in partnership with parents so that we may support each other to the benefit of the child.

Class information:  

Home-school books, Newsletters

For the youngest children who have just started school, we try to put an entry in the book every day. For older pupils teachers will write at least once every week, more regularly if home and school need to share essential information, such as concerning an ongoing programme. Class Teachers send parents a class newsletter each term detailing the work planned for the class in various curriculum subjects; they also provide a copy of the timetable.                                                                                        

Communication with parents:  

We aim to keep parents informed about activities in school through regular letters and newsletters from the Head Teacher.

If parents wish to speak to the Head Teacher or Class Teacher, they should phone or send in a note to the school and we will endeavour to contact them as soon as possible. Meetings between parents and staff can be arranged if there are any issues / concerns parents wish to discuss. 

The School uses a texting service to inform parents/carers of important whole School issues e.g. School closures.  In event of an emergency situation, information is also posted onto the School website. 

Meetings with parents:  

During the course of the school year there are four meetings planned between parents and school staff;

Parents’ Evenings; in the Autumn Term, parents are invited to meet their child’s Class Teacher and talk through establishing the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) for their child.  

In the Spring Term, a Parent's Evening is held to review the child's ILP and make any changes and to set new targets. 

At the end of the Summer Term, parents are invited to discuss their child’s Annual Report and final review of the ILP with the Class teacher. A copy of the Report is sent to parents in advance of the meeting.

Annual Review:  

During the year an Annual Review is held for every pupil, this is the formal procedure to review the Statement.

Annual Reviews are scheduled to be held every 12 months from the date of the EHCP.  If a change of provision is likely, for example if a pupil is due to leave Manor Mead, the Annual Review must be held before July in the preceding Summer Term. 

Parents are invited to attend the Annual Review with the Head Teacher, Class Teacher and any other Professionals who support the child. Where a change of provision is being considered, the Educational Psychologist must be present at the Review. Parents and other Professionals are sent copies of all reports prior to the Review and parents are invited to make their own contribution to the Review.  

School Uniform: 

We expect all children from Reception upwards to wear Manor Mead School uniform to school (or clothes which are the school colours if this is more appropriate for some children). 

Wearing school uniform helps the children to understand that it is a school day and makes them part of the school community.  Blue sweatshirts and white or blue polo-shirts and t-shirts with the Manor Mead logo are available to order - see our 'Forms' page.


Jewellery should not be worn in school. In accordance with Surrey County guidelines, pupils will not be able to participate in P.E. if they are wearing ear-rings or studs. 

PE kit: 

Parents are asked to provide their child with PE kit if their child is required to change for PE. The kit consists of dark shorts or jogging bottoms and a white T-shirt. 

Names on clothes:

Parents are asked to make sure that their child’s clothes are named, particularly the Manor Mead sweatshirts, polo-shirts, t-shirts and the PE kit.


If children are to achieve their maximum potential, it is essential that they attend school as much as possible.

Many children at Manor Mead have additional health problems and may have to be off school if they are not well enough to attend or have medical appointments. Parents must let the school know, either through a phone call or a note, if their child is going to be away from school either for an appointment or if they are sick. Parents are also asked to inform their child’s transport provider if they are not coming into school. 

Unauthorised absences:

The school is required to record any absence which has not been notified as an ‘unauthorised absence’.

If no member of school staff has been informed about the reason for a pupil’s absence, a letter will be sent to parents asking them for an explanation: if this is not returned then the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’. Pupils should not miss school for birthdays or shopping trips: if there are issues with a pupil not attending school regularly without proper reason, then the Welfare Officer for Special Education will be contacted by the school to provide support to improve attendance. 

Family holidays:

Following changes in legislation, Headteachers are no longer permitted to grant a pupils leave of absence during term time for the purpose of a family holiday ‘unless there are exceptional circumstances and the application has been made in advance by the parent with whom the pupil normally resides’. The Welfare Officer for Special Education, acting on behalf of Surrey County Council, may issue a penalty notice.


Parents are asked to provide the school with emergency contact numbers in case their child becomes unwell or has an accident at school, and parents cannot be contacted.

The emergency contacts must be those who could take care of the child in the event of the parents not being contactable.  If a child has sickness or diarrhoea they should be kept at home for at least 48 hours after their sickness or diarrhoea has ceased. When a child is prescribed anti-biotics for an infection, the Doctor should be asked how long the child should remain at home to recover.

Parents should inform the school immediately if their child contracts a contagious disease such as chickenpox or measles.  Parents are also asked to inform the School Nurse if their child has been in contact with a contagious disease, including glandular fever, as these infections are dangerous for some pupils in the school. 


Trained staff will administer medications if necessary during the school day provided there is signed consent from parents and the medications are provided in their original container with a pharmacist's label.  We will also require a Care Plan for administering emergency medication for known conditions.

Parents should give the medicines directly to school staff, or to the driver if the child is on Transport. 

See our Medication Policy for more detailed information. 

School Fund:

Parents are invited to make voluntary contributions to the ‘School Fund’. This money is used to pay for petrol for the minibus for outings, for ingredients for cooking and many other day to day expenses to support the children’s work. We suggest £1 a week or £12 for the term if parents feel able to make this voluntary contribution

Parents' Concerns:

If parents have a query or worry about any aspect of their child’s schooling they may follow these stages as detailed in Surrey’s Guidance ‘Responding to Parents’ Concerns’. Copies of this guidance can be obtained from the school office or from the Education Department.

  • Discuss the concerns with your child’s Class Teacher: most difficulties can be resolved at this stage.

If this is not the case:

  1. Contact the Headteacher and ask for an appointment, giving details of the concern: parents are welcome to bring a friend to any meeting if only one parent is able to come.
  2. In the unlikely event that the Headteacher has been unable to resolve issues, parents can contact the Chair of Governors.  The Chairperson or nominated Governor will investigate and respond.

As a school we aim to deal with all concerns quickly and effectively. 

Safeguarding Children:

The school staff have a responsibility to raise any concerns they have about a child’s welfare with the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, who is the Head of School.   The school follows the guidance from the Local Authority: this will usually involve discussion with parents about the concern and any other agencies may be involved if necessary.